The Simple Yet Powerful Review Request Automation

Request and Filter Reviews and Testimonials Automatically

When someone doesn't know you from Adam and they're trying to decide if they should work with you, they are going to do one or both of two things.

Ask their friends and colleagues about you

Search for your company online.

If they don't like what they find, they'll go straight to your competition. These are the times we live in.

Fortunately, we no longer have to sit and hope for good reviews or testimonials. We can ask for them in an automated manner so we never have to worry about this important aspect of our business again.

Brilliant in Its Simplicity

At its core, this simple automation asks customers if they were happy with the service you provided. If they say, "Yes" they are thanked and encouraged to leave you a review or testimonial on the platform(s) that matter to you.

If they say, "No" they are asked to send feedback directly to your team so you can address the issue privately.

Essentially, it is maximizing the good and minimizing the bad. It also gives you a great opportunity to find out where your organization is falling short and how you can improve the service you're providing.

See This Automation in Action

As with all of our automations, this one is best seen to be appreciated.

If you have already read our free guide, you will have had a couple of opportunities to see this automation in action. If not, now is your chance.

Download the guide and see how we're using this simple automation. It doesn't use AI so the costs are kept to a minimum and it is quick to set up.

It can be used to generate online reviews, written, audio or video testimonials and even referrals. These are tasks that every business owner knows they should be doing but few ever will unless the process is automated.

This is that automation and it could be a game-changer.

Want to Get Started or Learn More?

Call or text Eric at the number below to get your questions answered

What is Required from You

  • Where you would like positive reviews left for your business ie. Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.

  • A list of your customers you would like contacted (usually a csv file)

  • An email address so you'll know when you get reviews - both positive and negative

  • Optional - You can connect your social media accounts to your universal inbox if you wish to keep all of your messages in one place

That's it. As with all of our automations, the goal is to make this as hands-off as possible so you can focus on running your business.

What This Automation Includes

  • Professionally-written outgoing messages customized to your business

  • Sending of up to 3 messages per contact until they reply

  • Filtering of responses (positive vs. negative) prior to going public

  • Live notifications of responses

  • Ability to direct reviews to the platform of your choice

  • Ability to reply to customers through our free universal inbox

This automation can also be triggered by having one of your staff adding a new contact and tapping a button within your universal inbox. Or you can set up a QR code that customers may scan to leave a review. We can discuss all options when we speak.

This May be for You if:

  • Online reviews or testimonials matter to your business

  • You have a list of your customers available for export

  • You lack online reviews relative to your competition

  • You know you have a problem with customer service but you're not sure what it may be

This is NOT for You if:

  • You already have enough reviews or testimonials

  • You already have a system in place to do this

  • You like asking for reviews and you do this consistently

  • You're cranky and difficult to work with

  • This is a lot of money at the moment and making this investment would stress you out

Review Request FAQs

How are these requests sent out?

Text messages are best but we can send out emails if that is the only contact info you have.

When are these requests sent out?

We can set them up to go out automatically when a new customer is added to your dashboard or you can send us a list once per week and we'll send them out for you. Or you could set up a QR code and people can submit a review whenever they wish. You will have to let us know what works best for you.

How does the process work?

After someone buys from you they will receive a text asking them if they were happy with their purchase. The automation will ask people that said yes to leave you a review or testimonial and ask those that said no to get in touch with you so you can address the issue.

What if I have questions not answered here?

Call or text Eric by tapping the appropriate button on this page or use our contact us page

Simplified Automations 2024