Generate Immediate Revenue from an Existing Asset

Revenue Reconnect Can Bring in Sales from Old Contacts

Along with Call Catcher Pro, this is one of our simplest yet most effective solutions.

If you've been in business for any length of time, you likely have a list of people that have contacted you. Some may still be customers, some may have never done anything with you and some may have disappeared over time.

The one thing that they all have in common is the fact that they know about you and what you do.

It would be very simple to send out emails or text messages to reconnect with these people.

Special offers work especially well in these cases but beware of one thing. If you're using text messages the reply rates are usually very high so be sure to space your messages out.

Otherwise, you could get overwhelmed with orders. A nice problem to have but a problem nonetheless.

Want to Get Started or Learn More?

Call or text Eric at the number below to get pricing and/or your questions answered

What is Required from You

  • What kind of offer you would like to send out.

  • A list of your customers you would like contacted (usually a csv file)

  • An email address or phone number so we can send you real-time notifications when you get replies

  • Optional - You can connect your social media accounts to your universal inbox if you wish to keep all of your messages in one place

That's it. As with all of our automations, the goal is to make this as hands-off as possible so you can focus on running your business.

What This Automation Includes

  • Professionally-written outgoing messages customized to your business

  • Sending of up to 3 messages per contact until they reply

  • 100% compliant with local rules

  • Live notifications of responses

  • Ability to reply to customers through our free universal inbox

This automation is very helpful in creating quick revenue. We often suggest you start with this automation and use the revenue it generates to fund any further automations if you deem them necessary.

This May be for You if:

  • You've been in business for a couple of years or more

  • You have a list of your customers or prospects available for export

  • You could use a quick shot of new revenue

  • You're willing to provide a discount or come up with an enticing offer to bring people back

  • You don't regularly keep in touch with your list

This is NOT for You if:

  • You don't have a customer or prospect list that you can export

  • You already have a system in place to do this

  • You don't have an enticing offer to send out

  • You don't have capacity for new work

  • You're cranky and difficult to work with

Review Reconnect FAQs

How are these requests sent out?

Text messages are best but we can send out emails if that is the only contact info you have.

When are these requests sent out?

You can tell us what would be best for you.

How does the process work?

You send us a list of past customers or prospects in a CSV file as well as an idea of the offer you would like promoted. We will write the messages and send them out on a schedule you deem appropriate. This schedule is often spread out over a few days so you don't get swamped. Up to 3 messages will be sent to each contact but the automation will stop if they reply to any message before that. You will get live notifications as people reply and you can respond to them (if you wish) through our universal inbox.

Is my information safe?

Absolutely. All of your data is stored in our SSL-encripted database and only you will have access to it. We can also delete your data after this automation runs but you will probably want to maintain access to your universal inbox as it is such a convenient tool. Totally up to you.

Am I allowed to send out messages in this manner?

Yes. We do everything to ensure your messages are compliant. As long as your list was

Simplified Automations 2024