Necessity is the Mother of Invention, Right?

Eric Haaranen is the Mere Mortal Behind Simplified Automations

ADHD makes running a business pretty challenging. On the one hand, it is great for my clients because I obsess about delivering the best services possible.

However, it makes it incredibly challenging to get my own stuff done.

Lower priority, repetitive tasks and things that I don't like doing were often ignored - even though I knew they were necessary if I wanted to succeed.

It didn't end there though. I'm really good at marketing and I had no problem generating leads. However, I wouldn't follow-up like I knew I should so a lot of the money and effort that I put into lead generation went to waste.

That painful path led me to understand the power of simple automations and systematizing processes wherever possible. These automations either eliminated my involvement completely or forced me to do the tasks I would otherwise avoid. For example, it is really hard to ignore a full calendar even if talking to people isn't your forte.

And I Certainly Wasn't Alone

In speaking with other business owners, I realized that I wasn't the only one with challenges. In fact, most businesses that work on appointments share the same problems. Not enough leads, let leads slip through the cracks, rarely follow-up with leads, appointment no-shows, few or poor reviews, no testimonials and websites that annoy customers more than help them.

Not to mention the stress and frustration in running a business you may no longer enjoy.

I get more into all of these things in my guide, Automated Business Growth but I'm sure you can relate to some of the above.

It Isn't Always About Leads

As a marketing guy, I have a tendency to believe that all problems are marketing problems. Slow sales? Advertise. Campaigns not converting? Come up with a better offer. Leads not qualified? Check the audience targeting and the intake form.

Many of these things do apply but as I dug deeper, the real problem came to light. Most of these clients didn't have the systems in place to handle the leads that were coming in.

They were spending time and money marketing their company but when leads came in they weren't attended to properly. I could totally related because I went through the exact same thing.

Until you have systems in place to handle inbound leads, it really doesn't make a lot of sense to spend money on marketing.

But when you do plug the holes with reliable systems, so much of the stress and monotony is alleviated to the point that being able to scale up your marketing and grow your business is almost a bonus.

Get the systems in place first so your marketing will be more effective and your growth won't be hindered. That is why me and my automated systems do what we do.

"95% of Genius Insights Come from Customer Feedback"

& "Customer Service is a Growth Hack"

I wish I could remember who said these wise words so I could give credit where credit is due but at the moment, it eludes me. If anyone knows, please tell me.

This Business is a Paradox

On the one hand, we believe 100% in automation and systems to facilitate the lives of business owners. That includes us.

At the same time, every one of our automations is customized based on the needs of each client and the production of our automations can't be completely automated (ironically).

Fortunately, this ties into our philosophy of "Customer service is a growth hack" in that it forces us to speak with clients and really understand their situation prior to recommending a solution.

This may change in the future but for now, everyone will have to have a short conversation with Eric - our Founder and Customer Support expert - prior to working with us.

Hence, our constantly asking you to send a text to find out more. For more information, text Eric by tapping the button below :)

Simplified Automations 2024