Our Influencer Insights Automation Allows Your Fans to Pick Your Brain 24-7 Without Any Imposition on You

Make All of Your Content Immediately Accessible

This automation is relevant to influencers, creators and executives that produce content on a regular basis and have followers that want access to that information.

Influencer Insights is a chat bot that is trained on all of your material and updates itself automatically as you add more content.

It's primary function is to share your knowledge without imposing on your time but it can also be instructed to capture leads, book appointments or direct visitors anywhere you wish. See our sample below to see the power of this automation.

See this Automation in Action

This Model is Based on Michael E. Gerber's book, "The E-Myth Revisited."

Who This is For

This cool automation would be most beneficial to influencers, thought leaders, executives and creators that have large followings and people constantly wanting to pick their brains.

This is a very versatile automation in that you can determine it's primary goals. It can be programmed to simply provide access to accurate information but more often, it would be instructed to provide such information AND achieve some sort of a goal. Book a call, buy a product, join a list, etc.

This automation allows your fans to get access to your knowledge while you can direct this attention wherever you wish. It is very, very powerful.

Our Fair & Transparent Pricing

Unlimited Use


$1500 One Time Setup Fee

Unlimited Conversations

AI fully trained on your site and company information

Installed on one site

Can be integrated with our other automations

Free email support

Influencer Insights FAQs

How does this automation work?

The Influencer Insights automation is programmed with you content. That can be taken from your website, Wikipedia, your books or even any RRS feed. Once the automation is trained, your followers can interact with the bot to gain access to your knowledge without imposing on your time or that of your team.

Can this automation be integrated with any of your other automations?

Yes. Any of them. A great use case is connecting the Influencer Insights automation with a Booking Bot. While users are engaged with your content, they can be encouraged to book an appointment with your team. The Booking Bot would then take over, see if they're qualified and either send them a link to your calendar or disqualify them so they don't waste your time.

How long does it take to set this up?

Our AI-powered automations like this one using take 3-5 business days once we get what we require from you.

Where do these conversations take place?

Great question. These conversations could take place on your site or through text messaging. However, because these conversations tend to be longer, it makes more sense to have them on your site.

Is my information safe?

Absolutely. All of your data is stored in our SSL-encripted database and only you will have access to it. We can also delete your data after this automation runs but you will probably want to maintain access to your universal inbox as it is such a convenient tool. Totally up to you.

How to people react to AI?

Everyone is different but when the automation is set up properly (like ours are) most people are impressed and appreciate the fact that they get the info they need when they need it. Most people don't even recognize our automations as being AI unless you disclose that fact. Tap the button on this page and decide for yourself.

Simplified Automations 2024